The Sunrise phase begins Tuesday, 30 September at 9am PDT (16:00 UTC).
Remember, the Sunrise phase is for TMCH-registered trademark holders. Contact our corporate support team if you have a TMCH-registered trademark (or would like help registering your existing trademark at TMCH) in order to register one of these new gTLDs during Sunrise.
About the Landrush phase:
If you want to be absolutely sure to get your desired domain, you can register it during Landrush at a higher price (see above). The Landrush phase ends on Wednesday, 10 December at 8am PDT (15:00 UTC).
About the GoLive phase:
The GoLive phase for these four new gTLDs begins on Wednesday, 10 December, 2014, at 8am PDT(15:00 UTC).
Note: You don't need to wait until GoLive begins to register your domain: we strongly encourage you to pre-register now. We will then submit the order on your behalf at the earliest possible moment, in the order they are received. As always, if the registration is not successful, we will automatically refund your prepaid account (and will refund to your external funding source upon request).
Si vous attendiez la gestion des produits Cloud pour migrer vers notre nouvelle interface, préparez-vous : nous avons commencé à déployer les fonctionnalités nécessaires !
Lors du lancement de notre nouvelle plateforme, nous vous avions annoncé qu’elle serait constamment améliorée et enrichie afin de répondre le mieux possible à l’ensemble de vos besoins...