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Vienna is the capital of Austria and has a heck of a history, so it's only right it gets a TLD to call its own.

Beginning at 3am (10am UTC) on Tuesday, 15 July, anyone with something to say about the city of Vienna will be able to register a .wien at the price of $37.96 per year.

For details, see the .wien pricing page.


Register a .wien?:


The .wien Sunrise started on 11 February and will continue until 1 May 2014. During this phase, only owners of a trademark registered in Austria and via the TMCH will be able to register .wien domains.

For the rest of us, Landrush begins 2 June and will last one month, followed by General Availability (aka GoLive) starting on 15 July 2014.

The Registry's rules stipulate that any owner of a .wien domain must have an economic, cultural, touristic, historical, social, or other connection to Vienna, which is a pretty generous amount of leeway if you ask us. (Finally, this fondness of schnitzel – nay, this love – is paying off!)

Prices for a .WIEN at A rates for the first year of registration are as follows:

  • Sunrise (11 Feb to 1 May): $1,254.68
  • Landrush (2 June to 2 July): $214.68
  • General Availability/GoLive (15 July 2014): $37.96

For more information or to pre-register a .WIEN, see the .wien TLD info page.

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