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Gandi is happy to introduce .商标 (.xn--czr694b in punycode), which is now available at Gandi for US$249.49 per year at A rates*.

Even though .商标 (which is Chinese for “trademark”) entered the GoLive phase in January 2015, in a way, it’s a TLD that’s forever in Sunrise.

Despite being open to the public independent of Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), .商标 is only available to individuals, companies or organizations with valid trademark registrations. In order to register a .商标 domain, you must be able to prove your registration of the trademark with a recognized intellectual property organization.

It’s like printing a little so if you want to register a .商标 domain name you have to be able to prove you’re entitled to it.

For the full details, see the .商标 rules page.

Register a .商标 domain?



* For local prices, see the .商标 price page


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