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The final Donuts name collision EAP release is, in it's way, a kind of send off: Travel.

This category is all about seeing the world, having adventures, meeting people, and of course, buying things.

Of course, you can now do all of that now online, and so how fitting that it's this week's category! You can see the world on Google Images, you can have adventures virtually, you can meet people in chatrooms and you can buy whatever you want online.

And what better souvenir of this kind of online armchair tourism than a Travel domain name?

Here's the release schedule for this category:

    Day 1 (September 2, 2015 at 16:00 UTC): +$12,667

    Day 2 (September 3, 2015 at 16:00 UTC): +$4,222
    Day 3 (September 4, 2015 at 16:00 UTC): +$1,778
    Day 4 (September 5, 2015 at 16:00 UTC): +$945
    Days 5-7 (September 6-September 7, 2015 at 16:00 UTC): +$189

And here's the list of TLDs with links to the new names being released (along with the regular price once the EAP is over):

Bon voyage!

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:


Okay, so they might not be the most highly anticipated new extensions, but it is what it is: The sunrise phase for .codes, .farm, and .viajes has begun, and they are available for pre-registration as of today, Tuesday 11 February.

The Sunrise period of these three extensions will last two months, ending 12 April. As usual, the last three days of the Landrush phase, which will end 23 April, will be available on our website; if you want to drop the thousands of dollars needed to get in on the first four days of the Landrush, contact our support team. (The Donuts-style Landrush, or EAP, is explained in detail in our blog post.)

Finally, the opening of the General Availability phase is scheduled for 23 April, 2014, when regular prices kick in:

You can already pre-register domains under these extensions for General Availability. Orders which cannot be completed will be refunded.

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