.cloud enters the Sunrise phase
There are few things more pleasant to do on a Fall day than laying out a blanket on a grassy hill and looking up at all those fluffy, white puffs of water vapor and transforming them into more familiar shapes.
Today, .cloud enters the Sunrise phase, a perfect domain for nephelococcygiacs. And while we'd rather be sitting on that grassy hill, of course, just like we apply alternative meanings to the random white fluffs in the sky, with the advent of cloud computing, "cloud" itself has become the go-to image to represent a number of concepts shaping our world today, so .cloud has a business side too.
During the Sunrise phase, .cloud domains will be available for $162.19 per year. The Landrush phase will go from January 25, 2016 to February, 5 2016 and during that period, these domains will be available for $61.93 per year and finally will enter the GoLive phase on February 16, 2016 when it will be available for $31.15 per year.
And while anyone is free to find shapes in the clouds, only those possessing TMCH claims may register one during the Sunrise phase.
What does your .cloud look like?