Golive: 3 new gTLDs from Donuts!

This Wednesday June 3rd, three new TLDs will be available for registration, and these are some healthy, potentially profitable, and educational choices.
Despite the association of .CASINO with .FOOTBALL in terms of release dates, and despite what you may have read in the headlines about the non-American version of the sport, there is really no connection. Honest. Unless you are in Las Vegas, no one really gambles on football, right? Also, schools may have football teams but online you will probably want to keep your school web site separate from the team web site. And now you can!
If you are impatient, as of this writing you still have a few hours (until 9am Pacific time June 3rd) to register your domain in the Landrush phase.
Here's the price breakdown, with Landrush and GoLive, at A rates, and without taxes:
Look for a domain under these TLDS?