我們的全新網站已經上線 www.gandi.net

前往新的 Gandi 網頁

It was like any other morning at Gandi. We were sitting here, unsuspectedly, taking in another Sunrise Tuesday with its batch of new gTLDs, and reflecting on the news article to be written and posted. It would be hard to be witty about such a real estate-centric group: We had .PROPERTIES and .CONDOS, accompanied by the très français .MAISON as well as .IMMOBILIEN in the language of Goethe. The Spanish .TIENDA would provide a new online home for boutiques, but little opportunity for wordplay.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, .NINJA. Bam.

All of these extensions are available in Sunrise as of today, which means you have to have a trademark with TMCH in order to register them. If you don't, you can pre-register right now for the upcoming Landrush or GoLive phases and we'll submit your order at the earliest possible moment.

The list of newcomers, along with their respective prices in Sunrise / Landrush / GoLive/General Availability, follows:

  • .CONDOS:       $132.68 / $152.67 / (4 June) $52.68
  • .IMMOBILIEN$134.68  / $154.67 / (28 May) $32.49
  • .MAISON:         $132.68 / $152.67 / (4 June) $52.68
  • .NINJA:             $118.68 / $133.68 / (28 May) $19.61
  • .PROPERTIES: $119.68 / $139.68 / (4 June) $32.49
  • .TIENDA:           $132.68 / $152.67 / (4 June) $52.68

Grappling hooks not included.

