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A wise sage once intoned: "If you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it." All of the extensions entering the GoLive phase today are all things you can put a ring around if you like them.

The .jewelry extension is perhaps the most obvious connection to this idea. Buying jewelery is of course our most cherished form of expressing affection and we're pretty sure that's what Beyoncé had in mind but we can't be sure. In any case, domains in the .jewelry extension are now available for $68.09 per year at A rates.

Next, with August around the corner, it's state fair season, and the smell of livestock that invariably brings drifting through the stiflingly humid air in separable from the glory of the .show ring. When it comes to prize sheep and trick ponies, we might, then, rephrase our starting maxim as: "If you liked it, then you should have put it in the ring." And domains in the .show extension are on sale now for $41.41 per year at A rates.

And, of course, the ultimate sign of approval by the bloodthirsty and easily distracted populous, just as in Roman times, is the award of precious metals of victory to a conquerer. Back in gladiator days that bling belonged to a single victor but in after the Industrial Revolution made cooperation a cool thing we now award the winning .team--whether for the Super Bowl, the NBA Championship , the World Series and apparently we even trust hockey players with a Stanley Cup ring. Domains in the .team extenion are now available for $41.41 per year at A rates.

Of course, we don't necessarily agree with Queen Bey on this one. Not only is the conspicuous consumption of daintily-arranged expensive minerals to display ownership seem patriarchal to us at best, there's also very little use for it. So today we propose that if you like it, instead of putting a ring on it, get a domain for it.

If you like it, register a domain under one of these TLDs:


A handful of new gTLDs are entering the Sunrise phase today, the first of which brings us back to high school gym class: .team is entering the Sunrise phase at $162.19 for a one-year registration at A rates, and it reminds us of always being picked last second-to-last when we picked teams for dodgeball.

Next up, you can finally put up that site for your unique brand of terrarium earrings and necklaces with your very own .jewelry domain, available in Sunrise at for $176.23 a one-year registration at A rates.

And finally, speaking of flashy things that catch our attention with superficial glimmering, .show also enters the Sunrise phase today and you can get your own for one year at A rates for just $162.19.

The list is below, accompanied by the corresponding Sunrise, Landrush and GoLive prices of a one-year registration, all at A rates:

  • .team: $162.19 | $183.79 | $41.41
  • .jewelry: $176.23 | $197.83 | $68.09
  • .show: $162.19 | $183.79 | $41.41

Remember, the Sunrise phase is for TMCH-registered trademark holders. Contact our corporate support team if you have a TMCH-registered trademark (or would like help registering your existing trademark at TMCH) in order to register one of these new gTLDs during Sunrise. If you are not among the trademarked, you can still pre-register for the Landrush or GoLive phases. We'll submit your order at the earliest possible moment – as soon as your chosen phase begins – for the best chance of success.

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:

