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A latino or a latina is anyone who identifies more with the history and culture of the non-English-speaking portions of the Americas. In the US we tend to think that Americans are just US citizens and that latinos and latinas are just whatever your pet stereotype of a Mexican is, but this is far from descriptive of the incredibly diverse reality, if not outright false. Latinos, Latinas, and Americans—both inside and outside the US—are not just the stereotypes that come to mind, whether positive or negative, but an inclusive group that includes Argentinos, Brazilians, Colombians, Venezuelans, Chileans, Cubans, Haitians, even the Quebecois (and more) can be considered Latin American.

More than an ethnicity, race, or single cultural group, Latino is an identity.

With such a diverse group, we're happy to see latinos get their own gTLD: .lat.

This extension is currently right in the middle of the Landrush phase and is currently available for $1134.19 per year. It will be entering the GoLive phase August 1 when it will be available for $41.41.

Register a .lat?


