We see you, sweating and working over there in that office park. Or downtown business district. We see you making value, paying employees, providing services, pleasing customers.
And now we’ve got something for you. On June 22, 2016 at 9:00 AM PDT two new gTLDs that are for those companies out there, working hard for the stakeholders—.ltd and .gmbh—are entering the GoLive phase.
That means domains in these two TLDs are now open to everyone. For .ltd, which now will be available for $25.24 per year at A rates, that means everyone-everyone. For .gmbh, which will now be available for $38.65 per year at A rates, you have to have your existence as a Gesellschaft mit besechränkter Haftung (if you don’t know what that means, sorry .gmbh is not for you) validated with the respective authorities in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein or Switzerland.
Either way, companies, we know you never take a break, but now you're getting one with .ltd and .gmbh.
This past month, we created a visual of things you can do with a domain name covering not only what you might want to do with a domain name being under-utilized but also reasons why you might want to buy a domain in the first place.
Of course, one reason you might want to get a domain name is for your business. Even if you’re not doing any actual sales online, having a site for your business makes it official.
And starting today, you can make it official with a .ltd or .gmbh (GmbH is the German equivalent of "Ltd") domain name. These extensions are entering the Sunrise phase, which will last until June 11, 2016.
During this phase, .ltd and .gmbh domains will be available to those registered with TMCH for $144.33 per year for a .ltd and $151.38 per year for a .gmbh. This phase is especially important for these TLDs since each is geared towards companies.
There will also be a Landrush phase from June 19 through June 22, 2016 in which .ltd domains will be available for $164.49 per year while .gmbh will be available for $171.54 per year.
Finally on June 22 at 9:00 AM PDT these two extensions will enter the GoLive phase when they will be available under the registration conditions for these TLDs to anyone regardless of TMCH registration status for $25.24 per year at A rates for a .ltd and $38.65 for a .gmbh.