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What's your favorite thing about Taipei? Is it seeing Taipei 101 rain down fireworks like a fountain of light for the New Year? The smile on the Ubikes? Shilin Night Market after dark? Our Gandi Asia office? The new gTLD .taipei invites you to celebrate all of these and more. Domains in this TLD will be available for $26.94.

In its previous phases, .taipei has already distinguished itself as a tool for promoting brand awareness and engaging and bonding with local customers, and now it's time for Taipeiers of all walks of life to keep Taipei a pioneer in the digital world, so do your part and register yours today.

Register a .taipei?


A few weeks ago we announced the the Sunrise phases for .taipei, feeling as though it was a good omen for our new ventures in Taipei.

Time has flown and the first  Landrush phase is now already closed, and the second Landrush phase is set to begin August 6 and end August 14.

We wanted to clarify that when we predict three more Landrush phases, we were not forecasting a landslide. As earth-shaking as this announcement is, we know, there's no evidence that it relates in any way to seismic activity in the San Francisco Bay Area, or for that matter, in Taipei itself.

There are also two more Landrush phases after that:

- Landrush 3 (August 18 - August 26)
- Landrush 4 (August 27 - September 2)

Authorities are advising that the public remain calm and hold out until the GoLive phase on September 9.

Register a .taipei?


It really feels like more than a coincidence that the official opening of our Gandi Asia offices in Taipei corresponds with the release of the new gTLD .taipei. Maybe the gTLD spirits are smiling on us. We're not superstitious, but we think it means things will go well for us in Taipei.

And if things are already going well for you in Taipei, .taipei is currently in Sunrise, though it's not the traditional Sunrise we're used to seeing for most gTLDs.

Here's how it will go:

June 16 through July 6: Individuals and registered companies located in the city of Taipei (or New Taipei) who own a trademark registered with the government of Taiwan can register that trademark for a .taipei.

July 7 through July 17: The same qualifications as above, but your trademark doesn't necessarily have to be registered specifically with the government of Taiwan, but any trademark protection institution.

As a result of the peculiar way this Sunrise phase is rolling out, if you're interested in taking advantage of this phase, you'll need to contact our Customer Care team so we can check with the registry. As long as everything checks out, you would be invoiced for $69.00 (or 2100TWD).

You will also need to credit your prepaid account the amount due for our Customer Care team to process the order.

Here's to new beginnings in Taipei!

Register a .taipei?


Today, Monday, December 1, .taipei is entering the Sunrise phase.

Unlike typical Sunrises, the .taipei Sunrise will be on a first-come, first-served basis, and new registrations will be for three years, which means a 3-year Sunrise registration will cost $160.62 at A rates.

There will be no Landrush phase.

When .taipei enters the GoLive phase on March 31, 2015, the price of a one-year creation will be $26.94 at A rates.


Register a .taipei?

