Our new platform is already available at www.gandi.net

Go to the new Gandi

You may be aware that we recently celebrated a day of some significance to Mexican history. Of course, we’re talking about Cinco de Mayo, the birthday of the last Mexican governor of California, Pío Pico, born May 5, 1801.*

If only Pío Pico had also been in some way instrumental in the post office, then we would have a perfect deal for him: all the rest of this month from May 9 through May 31, 2016, .mx domains the official TLD of Mexico (but also the technical abbreviation for “mailbox”) will be available for half-price. That’s $24.00 per year instead of the usual $48.00 per year at A rates.

Register a .mx?



* What's all this about the Battle of Puebla?

Since last we reported on new strings added to the root by ICANN, two TLDs were added that seem like a good match for Google but ultimately will be managed by Amazon, providing some possible evidence of behind-the-scenes dealings, two new TLDs were added for the Abu Dhabi government, a surprisingly controversial application finally resulted in a delegation and a new generic Chinese-language TLD has also been added.


.you and .talk — March 25

The .you and .talk extensions are both TLDs with direct relationships to Google properties: .you with YouTube and .talk with Google Talk. It comes as no surprise, then, that one of the two applications ICANN received for each of these two TLDs came from Google.

What is surprising, though, is that Google withdrew its applications for each of these TLDs in July 2014, leaving Amazon as the only remaining applicant on these two TLDs. Interestingly, at the same time, Amazon withdrew its applications for .dev and .drive, leaving Google the only applicant for those two. It would appear, then, that some kind of private arrangement was met regarding these four TLDs. Now, .you and .talk have been delegated and we can expect to see these released by Amazon.

.abudhabi and ابوظبي. — April 6

The extension .abudhabi and its Arabic-character version ابوظبي. (.xn--mgbca7dzdo in punycode) are both two new geoTLDs proposed by the Abu Dhabi government. The Abu Dhabi government will actually maintain a significant degree of control over the two TLDs: the application stipulates that registration will be restricted to agencies registered with the Abu Dhabi government.

The intention is apparently to “supplement existing means of communication” for Abu Dhabi government entities. So while these are indeed geoTLDs, the Abu Dhabi government intends to use them in a more official capacity than the typical geoTLD.


.baby — April 8

The path from application to delegation for .baby was surprisingly rocky. This TLD was one of the TLDs, along with .gay, that the Saudi Arabian government objected to for potentially promoting pornographic content. The European Commission also raised concerns about the potential use of .baby for purposes that “could possibly raise issues of compatibility with the existing legislations (the acquis) and/or with policy positions and objectives of the European Union.” Nonetheless, .baby received six applications, including one from Google, but ultimately it was awarded to Johnson & Johnson as a lifestyle TLD.


.网站 — April 17

The puny code version of .网站 (pronounced /wangzhan/) is .xn--5tzm5g and it means “website.” As a new addition the stable of Chinese-language generic TLDs, .网站 hopes to contend with TLDs such as .在线 (“online”) and .中国 (“China”) to be the go-to generic TLD for the Chinese language community. They may have a late start on these two competitors but, as we’ve noted before, the domain name market in China is only just beginning to open up and already accounts for a significant portion of domains registered.


You can keep track of future developments on this page from ICANN.

Remember: these are new TLDs on the cutting edge of having been added by ICANN. As such, any discussion of one of these TLDs should not be interpreted as meaning any of these extensions will be imminently available on Gandi (though we, of course, try to offer all the extensions we possibly can).

Today, May 3rd, is World Press Freedom Day, an international celebration created and organized by the United Nations.

Each year, there’s a theme, and this year’s theme is one we can especially get behind. Of course, being the UN it’s not as short and snappy as we’d like, but “Freedom of Information and Sustainable Development, Protecting press freedom from censorship and surveillance overreach and Ensuring safety of journalists online and offline,” is certainly something we care about at least as much as freedom of the press in general. The freedom of information and the independence of the press are two things we think are necessary in the kind of world we want to help build.

This month, to participate in the celebrations we're offering a promotion on .press domains. From May 3, 2016 until June 3, 2016, domains in the .press TLD will be available for $5.00 per year each (They normally go for $94.97 per year at A rates). So do your part to promote freedom of the press with a .press domain this month.

Register a .press?



When we first announced the launch of the new .game TLD last August, we knew this would be a great TLD for those who like playing games of all kinds: card games, board games, word games, puzzle games, and even video games.

What we didn’t realize was that .game would be a great extension for those who enjoy mind games.

You see, when we first announced the Sunrise phase for .game, the plan was that .game would have no Landrush phase and would pass directly into the GoLive phase in October … 2015 …

And then, like in a bad horror movie, the .game game began. Uniregistry, the .game registry, last fall suddenly stopped the launch of .game without any communication or notification sent to those of us registrars who had already started to register them. They were just bluffing with their launch schedule, it seemed.

And then it turned into a .game of hide-and-go-seek. Or at least, when we went seeking answers from them, Uniregistry hid.

Finally, they announced their latest World Conquest Plan™: a new Sunrise phase (think of it as a sequel), a one-day Landrush and finally a GoLive period: this time scheduled for May 24, 2016. And, of course, the new and improved .game play also came with new and improved prices as well.

So, just to get everything all straightened out, here’s the new schedule and pricing:

Sunrise | May 3-May 16, 2016 | $600.67
Landrush | May 23-May 24, 2016, 9:00 AM-8:59 AM | $2851.03
GoLive | May 24, 2016, 9:00 AM | $350.63 per year at A rates

If you already pre-ordered a .game, you should have already received an email from us about how to re-order it under the new pricing scheme. If not, be sure to contact Customer care.

Not only that, the new rules of the .game also include a re-positioning of the extension as Premium, primarily aimed towards the video game market. Some 50,000 terms are now Premium for .game. If you guess a lucky domain in this category, you win the opportunity to pay $2,039.25 to register it.

Not only that, some 300 terms are now “Reserved” meaning that they cannot be registered at all.

Find out if you’re a winner here (and register if you like):

Register a .game?



Hopefully, this time around the rules of the .game are final.

Recently, Verisign announced a price drop on .cc domains and when we heard, we thought it was only right to copycat them and lower our prices too. And, fittingly for such a symmetrical TLD, the previous price of $35.00 is getting sliced in half to $17.50 per year at A rates. Permanently.

We gotta say, this is a versatile TLD. In addition to Coco Islands, which it officially stands for, .cc can also be for cubic centimeters (as in “I need 50 cc’s of dihydrogen monoxide … stat.”), Carson City, carbon copy (or blind carbon copy), closed captioning, corpus callosum, cyclomatic complexity or just the name: Cici. And, polyglots out there will know it’s Spanish for “yes yes”. Plus it’s just catchy. “See-see?

Take advantage of the price drop and register a .cc?


April showers bring May … well not just flowers, but everything green. Including 50% off on .green domains through the month of May, all the way until June 30, 2016.

That means .green domains will be on sale for $47.65 per year. If you’ve got a green thumb or live a green lifestyle, get a .green domain now while you can take advantage of this promo. It's not always this easy being green.

Are you .green?



There are a few basics you learn in school, like “I” before “E” except after “C”, why 2 + 2 makes 4, and of course your ABCs … all the way to the end of the alphabet.

This month, from May 1, 2016 until May 30, 2016, it’s no more complicated than that: buy 1 .xyz for 1 year for just $2. It’s no more complicated than that.

Get a .xyz?



Ahh springtime. It’s May and romance is in the air. No, that’s not just pollen. And those aren't just bees buzzing around our heads. It's also a question. A very serious question:  do you love .me?

If you say, “Yes,” then you and .me can be oh-so-happy together this May because from today, May 1 until May 14, 2016, .me is on sale for only $4.00 (compared to the normal $14.40 per year at A rates).

So hold .me, squeeze .me, love .me, need .me. Bend .me, shape .me any way you want .me. Because you and .me belong together.

Register .me?



Do you want to start a .family with us?

Wait, no, don’t take that the wrong way! We just mean now’s a great time to get a .family domain. We’re selling them for $8.00 a year right now until June 30, 2016. Compare that to $31.15 normally. It’s a deal for the whole family, as they say on TV. Get one for you, your mother, your father, or your whole branch of the family tree. Or why not the whole tree?

Start a .family?



Design is a plan. It’s a way of thinking critical about form and function. It can be beautiful or utilitarian or in rare cases, like the seminal designs of Dieter Rams for Braun, both. His sparse designs were aesthetically unmatched and functionally intuitive.

And in imitation, here is a sparse, functional price to match Rams’s design: from May 1 through June 15, .design domains will be on sale for 50% off: that’s $31.18 per year. 


What do you .design?



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