Our new platform is already available at www.gandi.net

Go to the new Gandi

Before the more than 1,200 new niche gTLDs like .beer, .coffee, .ninja, and .space, there were only just super generic TLDs like .com, .org, .net and country-specific ones like .us, .fr, and .co.uk. Back then, if you wanted a cool TLD, you had to get creative.

And thus, a crop of unintentionally significant domains became popular: .mx (the ccTLD for Mexico, but also short for “mail”), .io (the ccTLD for the British Indian Ocean Territory but also “Input/Output”) and .pw (the ccTLD for the Republic of Palaos, but also “professional web” or “password”).

Well, this month, we’re going old-school this month by offering the latter, .pw, for just $0.99 per year (it’s normally $10.00 per year at A rates), from February 1 through February 29, 2016 at 2:59 PM PST. And while .pw does stand for "password", your .pw domain doesn't have to be secret.

What's your .pw?



Gandi is no huge, multi-national corporation. And maybe it's just because we’re an Internet company, but despite that, we’ve always been aware that the little things we do in our community, locally, can have a big impact, globally.

In fact, it's probably because we’re not a behemoth organization that we can appreciate this nuance.

Well, from February 1 until February 29 at 2:59 PM PST, (23:59 Paris or Luxembourg time, 6:59 AM Taiwan time) .global domains, a TLD with a worldwide scope, will be available for $20.00 per year. These domains normally cost $95.34 per year at A rates, so all together that comes to about 70% off.

This promotion is for those with the vision to think globally. But we don’t see why it can’t be for those who act locally as well. And in our experience, the two go hand in hand.

Think .global?



Good news for residents and companies headquartered in one of the 28 members states of the European Union! Europe’s own TLD, .eu, is on sale this month for half-price.

From 1 February through 29 February at 11:59 PM UTC, .eu domains will be € 6.00 per year (normally they are € 12.00 at A rates).

Register a .eu?


Most people buy cards and chocolates and roses and get dinner reservations at crowded restaurants to drink red wine and eat oysters but that’s not really what Valentine’s Day is about if we’re to believe the propaganda, right?

It’s about love and romance and passion and all the things you can’t fit in a cheesy two-dollar paper card.

Well, we may not be able to get you reservations at a fancy restaurant, get you fancy jewelry or even a fancy card but what we can give you is .pink and .red domains for just $3.26 per year (normally $8.15 at A rates), from now until February 14 at 2:59 PM PST.

So take your loved one far away from crowded restaurants and greetings cards. Go to the mountains! Or a cabin in the woods. And when you wrap your arms around that special someone in front of a rustic fireplace, show that person your love with a bouquet of .pink and .red domains. Nothing says “love” like a domain name.

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:


Our 80%-off sale last week on .ski and .bio domains is over, but we have got some fresh powder for your slopes and some more all-natural 100% organic, No Bullshit brand fertilizer for your crops: .ski and .bio domains are still on promotion, now for 50% off. So if you missed last week’s promotion, it’s not too late.

From now until the afternoon of Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2:59 PM PST (and what's a more romantic gift than matching .ski and .bio domains?), .ski domains will be available for $15.99 (normally $31.98 at A rates) and .bio domains will be available for $31.98 (normally $63.96 at A rates).

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:


“Wine is a good and beautiful substance,” Roland Barthes wrote in the landmark deconstruction of French culture, Mythologies. Maybe we wouldn’t agree with all of his analysis, but we have to admit, he’s got us there.

And today that “belle et bonne substance” enters the GoLive phase:  .vin (French for “wine”) and .wine will now be available for $68.09 per year (at A rates). They age well.

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:


Just above the physiological needs like eating, sleeping, drinking water on Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs is Safety. More than just about anything else above the base necessities of just continuing body functions in normal circumstances, safety takes a priority.

Today the TLDs we have entering the GoLive phase address this need for safety: .protection and .security, now available for $2214.19 per year (at A rates), respectively.

And then there’s .theatre. As much as we would like to think .theatre is a fundamental need of all people, Maslow would probably put it up in the self-actualization part of the pyramid (though some may put it under “Love/Belonging”). Either way, .theatre is entering the GoLive phase today as well and is now available for $594.19 at A rates.

Do you need a domain in one of these TLDs?:


This is just a quick reminder to owners of .net domains, or those who may be thinking about bringing a .net into their lives soon, that there will be a small rise in .net prices starting February 1, 2016. So once again, we'd just like to encourage all of you looking to keep your .net domains for at least one more year to renew them before that magic date of February 1 rolls around.

On that date, domain transfers will go up from $14.00 currently to $15.00 and creations and renewals will go up from $17.00 currently to $18.00 (all at A rates). Short term, $1.00 per year may not seem like that much, but remember that if you're planning on keeping your .net domain for 10 or more years, you'll save $10.00 per domain by renewing now.

Get that .net you always wanted!


Since 2015, Gandi has been directly accredited with CNNIC (the registry for .CN) to offer the .cn and .xn--fiqs8s (.中国) domain name extensions.

This year, at the annual China Domain Name Industry Conference, Gandi received an award from the registry as "Registrar with the highest potential".

Receiving this prize acknowledges our commitment in the region to provide the best Chinese-language customer service and to assist individuals and companies to build their online presence for the Chinese market.

The conference, which took place in Guangzhou, China this year also highlighted that .CN now has more than 16 million registrations, which makes it the most used ccTLD in the world, just ahead of .DE.

Currently, .CN registrations cost only NT$310 / USD $10.13 / EUR € 8.44 HT per year (A Rates)*.

To register a .CN at Gandi and more information about .CN visit:

*Every domain in Gandi includes:

  • Full domain management
  • Five mailboxes and 1,000 forwarding addresses
  • A basic website
  • One-year free SSL certificate
  • 50% off one year of our Simple Hosting

If you’re like us, you probably thought it really couldn’t get any better in terms of buying a .xyz domain than the deal we closed out at the end of 2015—Five bucks per year for a .xyz domain—so we are shocked, really shocked, to be announcing that for a limited time .xyz domains will be on sale at Gandi for just $1.00 per year.

What can you ever get for as little as a dollar these days? A game of skeeball at the arcade? Four whole gumballs? One-half of the smallest possible Powerball pool? You can’t even do a load of laundry for that little.

But from now until February 29, 2016 at 4:59 PM PST, you can have a .xyz domain for one year for one dollar.

At this point, you should almost be asking yourself, “What have I got to lose?”

And on the other hand, a .xyz domain can be quite the benefit. Just ask HBO’s Silicon Valley.

Got a dollar? Get an .xyz


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