We are currently experiencing a problem with the toolbar display on a large number of websites created with Gandi Sitemaker. Out technichians are on location and working to fix the problem. We will keep you informed as to the status of the situation.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvienence this may cause.
UPDATE: This problem, due to an Adobe library update, has been fixed and the service is running normally again.
From July 3rd until July 5th at 9:00 AM Paris Time, our banking partener, CyberMut, encountered a problem in the payment validation process for all orders paid by credit card on our website during this period.
All payments that were made during this incident will be completed by early this afternoon. In the event that this problem persists, please contact our support team.
We apologize for inconvienence this may have caused.
As a result of increasing levels of misuse of our Gandi Mail service, we are obliged to take immediate measures to protect not only our infrastructure, but also the integrity and quality of the Gandi Mail service for all of our customers.
If you were able to get a promo code on ten.gandi.net, but when you try to use it to register a domain you get an error message, please check that:
it has not already been used (found on Twitter for example),
you are trying to use it for an extension that is not participating in the promo
you are using this promo code before April 1st
If none of this applies to your case, then try again in two hours (the expiration time for an open session). If your code still does not work despite this, then please contact Gandi's support (and be sure to include your code in the mail).