When we first announced the launch of the new .game TLD last August, we knew this would be a great TLD for those who like playing games of all kinds: card games, board games, word games, puzzle games, and even video games.
What we didn’t realize was that .game would be a great extension for those who enjoy mind games.
You see, when we first announced the Sunrise phase for .game, the plan was that .game would have no Landrush phase and would pass directly into the GoLive phase in October … 2015 …
And then, like in a bad horror movie, the .game game began. Uniregistry, the .game registry, last fall suddenly stopped the launch of .game without any communication or notification sent to those of us registrars who had already started to register them. They were just bluffing with their launch schedule, it seemed.
And then it turned into a .game of hide-and-go-seek. Or at least, when we went seeking answers from them, Uniregistry hid.
Finally, they announced their latest World Conquest Plan™: a new Sunrise phase (think of it as a sequel), a one-day Landrush and finally a GoLive period: this time scheduled for May 24, 2016. And, of course, the new and improved .game play also came with new and improved prices as well.
So, just to get everything all straightened out, here’s the new schedule and pricing:
Sunrise | May 3-May 16, 2016 | $600.67
Landrush | May 23-May 24, 2016, 9:00 AM-8:59 AM | $2851.03
GoLive | May 24, 2016, 9:00 AM | $350.63 per year at A rates
If you already pre-ordered a .game, you should have already received an email from us about how to re-order it under the new pricing scheme. If not, be sure to contact Customer care.
Not only that, the new rules of the .game also include a re-positioning of the extension as Premium, primarily aimed towards the video game market. Some 50,000 terms are now Premium for .game. If you guess a lucky domain in this category, you win the opportunity to pay $2,039.25 to register it.
Not only that, some 300 terms are now “Reserved” meaning that they cannot be registered at all.
Find out if you’re a winner here (and register if you like):
Register a .game?
Hopefully, this time around the rules of the .game are final.