Six new gTLDs are entering the General Availability phrase tomorrow, Wednesday 6 Aug at 9am PDT (16:00 UTC), and will be available for registration by all at standard prices.
Note: You don't need to wait until GoLive begins to register your domain: we strongly encourage you to pre-register now. We will then submit the order on your behalf at the earliest possible moment, in the order they are received. As always, if the registration is not successful, we will automatically refund your prepaid account (and will refund to your external funding source upon request).
The GoLive prices of a one-year registration at A rates are as follows:
.NYC, reserved to individuals, organizations and businesses having an address in one of the five boroughs of New York City (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island) is entering Landrush today, 4 August 2014.
The Landrush price is $95.34. The price during GoLive, which will begin 3 October 2014, will be $38.34.
Another new gTLD is entering the Sunrise phase: .city will cost $154.93 during the Sunrise phase, which lasts until27 September.
During Landrush, which will last from 5 to 8 October, the price will be $174.93.
GoLive begins8 October at 9am PDT(16:00 UTC), after which a .city will cost$25.04 (A rates).
About the Sunrise phase:
Remember, the Sunrise phase is for TMCH-registered trademark holders. Contact our corporate support team if you have (or would like us to help you get) a TMCH-registered trademark in order to register one of these new gTLDs during Sunrise. If you are not among the trademarked, you can still pre-register for the Landrush or GoLive phases. We'll submit your order at the earliest possible moment – as soon as your chosen phase begins – for the best chance of success.
About the GoLive phase:
Note: You don't need to wait until GoLive begins to register your domain: we strongly encourage you to pre-register now. We will then submit the order on your behalf at the earliest possible moment, in the order they are received. As always, if the registration is not successful, we will automatically refund your prepaid account (and will refund to your external funding source upon request).
Several new gTLDs are entering the General Availability phrase tomorrow, Wednesday, 30 July at 9am PDT (16:00 UTC), and will thus be available for registration by all.
If you want to be absolutely sure to get your desired domain, you can cut in line by registering it during Landrush at a higher price (see below).
The Landrush and GoLive prices of a one-year registration at A rates are as follows:
Note: You don't need to wait until GoLive begins to register your domain: we strongly encourage you to pre-register now. We will then submit the order on your behalf at the earliest possible moment, in the order they are received. As always, if the registration is not successful, we will automatically refund your prepaid account (and will refund to your external funding source upon request).
Six new gTLDs from Donuts are entering the Landrush phase: .cooking, .fishing, .horse, .rodeo, .surf and .vodka. Update: Landrush has ended; these TLDs are scheduled to enter GoLive on 15 September 2014.
The list of new extensions follows, accompanied by a link to the corresponding pricing page and the respective prices in LandrushGeneral Availability/GoLive, all at A rates:
You don't need to wait until GoLive begins to register your domain: we strongly encourage you to pre-register now. We will then submit the order on your behalf at the earliest possible moment, in the order they are received. As always, if the registration is not successful, we will automatically refund your prepaid account (and will refund to your external funding source upon request).
If you want to be absolutely sure to get your desired domain, you can register it during Landrush at a higher price (see below). The Landrush phase ends on 31 July at 9am PDT (16:00 UTC).
About the GoLive phase:
General Availability, when these new gTLDs will be publicly available for registration by anyone at normal prices, is scheduled to begin on 15 September.
.moe domains have entered the GoLive phase, and are now available for registration by all at standard prices. The cost of a one-year registration is $23.14 at A rates.
Two new gTLDs from Donuts are entering the Sunrise phase: .black and .deals.
The list of new extensions follows, accompanied by a link to the corresponding pricing page and the respective prices in Sunrise, Landrush and General Availability/GoLive, all at A rates:
Remember, the Sunrise phase is for TMCH-registered trademark holders. Contact our corporate support team if you have (or would like us to help you get) a TMCH-registered trademark in order to register one of these new gTLDs during Sunrise. If you are not among the trademarked, you can still pre-register for the Landrush or GoLive phases. We'll submit your order at the earliest possible moment – as soon as your chosen phase begins – for the best chance of success.
The idea of this extension is one that we can really get behind: all sites that generate traffic with a .HIV extension will finance research and assistance in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
The Sunrise of this extension is scheduled for Monday July 21st at 7 am PDT and can only be registered for a period of 3 years during Sunrise.
A .HIV domain during Sunrise will cost you $1850.79 (in grid A pricing). Once this extension enters general availability, it will be available for $240.93 per year (also grid A pricing).
.GLOBAL entered the Sunrise phase on 25 June, where it will remain until 24 August.
It will be in Landrush from 27 August to 5 September.
One-year registrations of .global domains will cost $311.93 in Sunrise,$161.93 in Landrush and $95.34 in GoLive (at A rates), which is scheduled to begin on 9 September.