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It's always with great remorse that we make this type of announcement but effective 23 January 2017, in order to comply with our contractual obligations, we have increased registration and renewal prices on 76 TLDs, on all price grids.

The reason for the price increase largely has to do with the fact that we pay most new gTLDs in US Dollars and exchange rates have recently fluctuated such that we were compelled to increase rates on affected TLDs.

Generally, we don't adjust our prices based on minor exchange rate fluctuations, however the variations this time were too significant to be able to avoid adjusting our rates. So it's out of necessity that we are notifying you of the following new rates on the following TLDs:

Taxes are not included in the above prices, which unless otherwise indicated, apply both to renewals and creations.

Besides the TLDs listed above, the following TLDs are also impacted, though only in grids B through E:

.asia, .org, .ag, .tv, .tel, .ws, .mobi:

  • Grids B and C: +10% on transfers only
  • Grids D and E: +10% on all operations

One last TLD, .biz, is also impacted but only on Grid E. The prices for all operations have been increased by 10%.

With a lot of new gTLDs honing in on particular niches, two TLDs have aimed for the generic: .website and .site.

Of course, you can use a domain name for many different things. But there’s one use that is so closely associated with the idea of a domain name that it’s easy to confuse the two terms. We’re talking, of course, about websites.

And what better TLDs, then, to build a website on than a .website or a .site? Well, now could be the time to do it because both are on sale from April 1 until April 30, 2016 (at midnight UTC or 5:00 PM PDT) for just $1.99 per year (normally $17.87 for .site and $16.81 for .website per year at A rates).

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:


This year was a year of some once in a lifetime opportunities. Like the blood moon. There were way more of those this year than ever. Well, 2016 has at least one once in a lifetime opportunity in store: a golden opportunity to get discounted renewal rates on .website domains.

You may ask yourself: "How do I redeem this?"

Same as it ever was. Just renew the domain name selecting either one-year for the renewal period if you want 30%-off or anywhere between two-to-nine years (remember, a .website domain name cannot be registered for longer than 10 years) for 50%-off.

Update 01/14/16: This promotion lasts until March 31, 2016 at 23:59 UTC.

Cyber Monday is the day we all forego watching cat videos and posting clever status updates to social media to deflate our productivity at work to do something that actually contributes to our countries' GDP by buying shoes online.

So, on that note, we have some good news! Gandi is having a cyber-themed Cyber Monday with promotions on .online, .tech, .site and .website domains.

Domains in the .online and .tech TLDs will be on sale for just $4.00 per year (try finding a pair of shoes that inexpensive. On second thought, for your feet's sake, maybe don't). Domains in the .site and .website TLDs will be priced even lower at $1.00 per year.

Don't miss out on your chance to spend some more company time and spend some (but very little) of the cash your company pays you to do so shopping this Cyber Monday. This sale starts November 27th (Black Friday) and only lasts until November 30th at 4:00 PM PST (so you can get some actual work done that last hour before Happy Hour).

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:


Well, it's been fun. If you've been following, to celebrate the approximate one-year anniversary of .website entering the GoLive phase, these domains have been available for just $4.49 per year.

It's not time to make a wish for the next year at blow out the candles, so to speak. And by that, we mean, this promo is now ending. But don't despair, .website lovers, it's not leaving without a final parting gift: from November 18 until midnight UTC November 25 (4:00 PM PST November 24), .website domains will be selling for just $1.49 per year.

So get one before that price climbs back up to $36.37 per year at A rates.

Register a .website?



All this month four TLDs that you can use to create your online dominion: .space, .site, .website, and .pw

First, create your own virtual, infinite (or finite depending on your cosmological opinion) void with .space. Not only can this be used for outer .space, but would be great for, say, a coworking space, a hacker space, a maker space or just a blank space.

Next, .website and .site are both pretty straightforward, but could be especially useful for the webdevs out there. We can think of no better way to showcase your talents than a .site or .website domain.

And finally, secure your online .space, .site, or .website with a .pw.

All four of these gTLDs are currently available at a considerable discount from now until September 30, 2015.

The list is below, accompanied by the corresponding promotional price of a one-year registration (as well as the normal A rates):

  • .space: $2.49 (normally $12.97)
  • .website: $4.49 (normally $30.31)
  • .site: $5.49 (normally $34.87)
  • .pw: $1.49 (normally $15.00)

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:


Five new gTLDs from Donuts have entered the Sunrise phase: .host, .press, .republican, .vegas and .website.

The list of new extensions follows, accompanied by a link to the corresponding pricing page and the respective prices in Sunrise, Landrush and General Availability/GoLive, all at A rates:

Remember, the Sunrise phase is for TMCH-registered trademark holders. Contact our corporate support team if you have (or would like us to help you get) a TMCH-registered trademark in order to register one of these new gTLDs during Sunrise. If you are not among the trademarked, you can still pre-register for the Landrush or GoLive phases. We'll submit your order at the earliest possible moment – as soon as your chosen phase begins – for the best chance of success.


Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:

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