Sunrise: .blackfriday, .christmas, .consulting, .haus, .luxury, .rocks and .شبكة

Seven new gTLDs are coming to Gandi.
You'll find the list of newcomers below, along with a link to the TLD's pricing page and the dates and prices (A rates) corresponding to the Sunrise, Landrush, and GoLive phases:
- .BLACKFRIDAY Sunrise (ends 30 June): $335.34 | GoLive (8 July): $51.01
- .CHRISTMAS Sunrise (ends 30 June): $328.67 | GoLive (8 July): $38.34
- .CONSULTING Sunrise (ends 16 June): $173.68 | Landrush (25 June to 14 July): $193.67 | GoLive (23 July): $38.34
- .HAUS Sunrise (ends 14 July): $173.68 | Landrush (23 July to 11 August): $193.67 | GoLive (20 August): $38.34
- .LUXURY Landrush (10 May to 11 Aug): $658.66 | GoLive (19 May): $458.66
- .ROCKS Sunrise (ends 30 June): $149.68 | Landrush (9 to 28 July): $157.68 | GoLive (6 August): $15.54
- .شبكة GoLive (4 February): $19.34
Note that .شبكة ("network" in Arabic), which has been in GoLive since February, can only be used with domains in Arabic script.
As usual: The Sunrise phase is reserved for those with TMCH-registered trademarks.
If you're really determined to get a domain, but don't hold the corresponding trademark, you can register during the Landrush phase.
Once a TLD enters the GoLive phase, it's open for registration at normal prices by anyone meeting the Registry's rules.
Search for a domain under one of these TLDs?: