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Seven new gTLDs are coming to Gandi.

You'll find the list of newcomers below, along with a link to the TLD's pricing page and the dates and prices (A rates) corresponding to the Sunrise, Landrush, and GoLive phases:

  • .BLACKFRIDAY Sunrise (ends 30 June): $335.34 | GoLive (8 July): $51.01
  • .CHRISTMAS     Sunrise (ends 30 June): $328.67 | GoLive (8 July): $38.34
  • .CONSULTING  Sunrise (ends 16 June): $173.68 | Landrush (25 June to 14 July): $193.67 | GoLive (23 July): $38.34
  • .HAUS Sunrise (ends 14 July): $173.68 | Landrush (23 July to 11 August): $193.67 | GoLive (20 August): $38.34
  • .LUXURY Landrush (10 May to 11 Aug): $658.66 | GoLive (19 May): $458.66
  • .ROCKS Sunrise (ends 30 June): $149.68 | Landrush (9 to 28 July): $157.68 | GoLive (6 August): $15.54
  • .شبكة GoLive (4 February): $19.34

Note that .شبكة ("network" in Arabic), which has been in GoLive since February, can only be used with domains in Arabic script.

As usual: The Sunrise phase is reserved for those with TMCH-registered trademarks.
If you're really determined to get a domain, but don't hold the corresponding trademark, you can register during the Landrush phase.
Once a TLD enters the GoLive phase, it's open for registration at normal prices by anyone meeting the Registry's rules.


Search for a domain under one of these TLDs?:

The pace is accelerating for new generic top-level domain (gTLD) releases. In case you haven't heard, the Donuts registry is offering 7 new extensions for sunrise right now:

Another batch of 7 is queued up for December 10, at 8am Pacific time:

Add to this list the gTLDs .menu and شبكة (aka .shabaka, or "web" in Arabic), depending on whether we get the data we need from the registry in time. 


December 11 is a good day for gTLDs too, with the Sunrise of .tattoo and .sexy. Should be interesting, but where is .nice? 


We are working on getting .kiwi ready for  December 16, and will notify you here about others as the information becomes available. Stay tuned!
