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The spirits (well, mostly just the TLD release calendar) predict many good things coming your way, dear Gandiens, many things.

So what’s in store this month? Well, .store for one, is entering the GoLive phase on June 14, 2016 at 9:00 AM PDT.

But wait, there’s more in store for .store! From now until August 14, 2016 at 4:59 PM PDT, .store domains will be on sale for just $14.99 per year when you buy it in the GoLive phase. Normally, the GoLive price for .store will be $76.95 per year, so that’s 80% off, right off the bat.

With a promo that good, we predict that you will find the .store of your dreams this summer.

Find out if there's a .store in store for your future?


.コム (.xn--tckwe) is the rare but increasingly common “translated” domain name. This time around, .コム is the Japanese translation of .com.

Previously, Sunrise and Godfathering periods limited registrations to brand owners and owners of corresponding .com domains. Now .コム is open to all for it’s now regular price of $16.79 per year at A rates.

Register a .コム?



What do you call it when, you know, like a few people get together. And they do something. No, not a company or an organization, that’s too specific. Not a team either. Oh, right! A group.

And what do you call it when a group gets a domain name? A .group. If your group wants to be a .group, now’s the time. The new TLD .group is now entering the GoLive phase as of June 8 and will now be available for $25.24 per year at A rates.

And what’s that place where you get your hair and nails done? Or maybe it’s like a literary discussion group? That’s right, a salon. Well, make your salon a .salon too because .salon is also in the GoLive phase as of June 8, meaning .salon domains are now available for $63.55 per year at A rates.

Whether you have a group or a salon or both, either one can get that dot in front of it.

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:


In the past 30 or so days since we reported on recently-delegated TLDs there have been some pretty high-profile strings delegated to the root. Their high desirability and the competition to lock-down lucrative virtual real estate this month makes it seem like a big game of Monopoly. Let’s take a look.


.blog — May 18

This TLD is an obviously valuable property. Of all new gTLDs, .blog would probably be considered the Boardwalk or Park Place of the board, so it’s no surprise that ICANN received nine applications for this TLD.

A lot of the major players submitted their bids: Donuts, Top Level Domain Holdings Ltd. (its subsidiary and technical provider Minds + Machines is a better-known name), Afilias, Radix and also Google, who received a GAC warning, presumably because of the perception that if awarded this application, they might use it to unfairly promote their blogging platforms.

In the end, Panamanian registry Primer Nivel, who also acts as registry for .legal and .news (more like the St. James Place and Marvin Gardens than another Boardwalk or Park Place), won out against the rest.

Edit: It has come to our attention that .blog was ultimately delegated to the registry with the punny name Knock Knock, WHOIS There, a subsidiary of Automattic creators of the popular open-source blogging platform Wordpress.


.dot — May 18

Another one that’s tempting to think of as fairly desirable, maybe the awkwardness of the repetition —“dot-dot”— dissuaded too many applicants. This one was between Google and DISH Network. In November 2014, DISH Network won an auction, paying $700,000 for .dot. Now, ICANN has delegated .dot to the root zone.


.shop — May 23

With the prevalence of online shopping, it’s no surprise that there were also nine applicants for .shop as well, including, again, many of the usual Monopoly players: Amazon, Donuts, Radix, Google and Famous Four Media. But one applicant stood out for wanting this more than anyone: GMO Registry. GMO wanted .shop so badly, they applied for it twice: once as a community application (we discussed that back in April) and once as a “standard” application.

Perhaps not surprisingly, then, GMO prevailed (their community application was approved). But .shop is not quite the prime real estate it seems. Uniregistry’s application for .shopping has also been approved and is pending delegation and so has Amazon’s application for .通販 (.xn--gk3at1e) which means “online shopping” in Japanese.


.realestate — May 23

Speaking of real estate, .realestate also joined the ranks of delegated TLDs this month, with dotRealEstate LLC prevailing against three rivals. This was the sole application which did not receive a Community Objection by the National Association of Realtors, so this organization was apparently their favored vehicle for their association.


.games — June 2

Interestingly enough, after the debacle of .game’s scheduled release by the registry, withdrawal, re-coordination, and re-release that concluded recently, on June 2, .games was delegated to the root.


.ups — May 28, .netflix — May 31

We’ve generally refrained from discussing brand TLDs much here, but two big brand names joined the root zone as TLDs this month: .ups and .netflix. It’s not clear what companies will do with their brand TLDs, if anything besides sit on them, but should either UPS or Netflix decide to make use of these TLDs, you can be sure they will be high-profile.

Those are the changes to the great, big Monopoly board of new gTLDs this month. You can keep track of future developments on this page from ICANN.


Remember: these are new TLDs on the cutting edge of having been added by ICANN. As such, any discussion of one of these TLDs should not be interpreted as meaning any of these extensions will be imminently available on Gandi (though we, of course, try to offer all the extensions we possibly can).

When .eu was first introduced in 2005, domain internationalization had barely begun. The Internet Engineering Task Force didn’t create an IDN working group until 2008, .eu, the TLD for the European Union, was one of the TLDs to offer internationalized domain names.

Now EurID, the .eu registry, is able to offer .ею (or .xn--e1a4c in Punycode) as the Cyrillic alphabet version of .eu.

With the introduction of .ею, new registrations of .eu domains in the Cyrillic alphabet will no longer be accepted. Registrations of domains in .ею will by in Cyrillic characters only, and current owners of “mixed” .eu domains, that is, Cyrillic alphabet domain names in .eu as opposed to .ею, will have three years to migrate to .ею free of charge, after which all “mixed” .eu domains (that is, that contain Cyrillic characters before the dot but are the non-Cyrillic .eu after the dot) will be removed by EurID.

But don’t put it off. Now, as Gandi offers new .ею registrations, is as good a time as any to get your Cyrillic domain name for .ею.

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:


Worldwide, there are now more than 100 million people of Irish descent, and Irish identity continues to stretch across the globe with Irish nationals traveling and living abroad totaling some 3 million persons. The Irish identity is so strong and so broadly-known that it tends to be cheapened by plastic paddys and shamrockery.

That’s where .irish comes in.

The .irish TLD is perfect for individuals in Ireland or the Irish diaspora to own their Irish identity, for Irish businesses to present their Irishness to the world, and of course to bring that community of 100 million together.

That’s why we’re happy to announce that from 1 June 2016 at midnight UTC until 30 June 2016 a minute before midnight UTC, .irish domains are on sale at Gandi for $6.50 per year.

So there’s no better time than now to be .irish online with a .irish domain.

Are you .irish?


Pride and the Internet go well together. They’re both about the freedom to do your own thing.

In the early hours of June 28, 1969 police raided the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street in Greenwich Village. Police brutality during the course of the raid drew an angry crowd, which eventually exploded into what became known as the Stonewall Riots.

The Stonewall riots brought together the LGBTQ community in a way that it never could before, and New York’s Pride Parade, beginning in 1970, specifically honors this legacy and the movement it sparked to make all sexual identities legal, safe and free of discrimination.

Pride celebrations now span the globe, and since, because of the legacy of the Stonewall riots, many of these celebrations happen in June, this whole month Gandi will be celebrating Pride as well with .lgbt domains on sale for $11.45 per year (normally $28.62 at A rates), from June 1 until June 30, 2016 at 4:59 PM PDT.

After all, it’s your internet. It’s only fitting that you can be whoever you truly are online. In June, celebrate that freedom with a .lgbt domain.

Register a .lgbt?



Are you a part of something? An athletic club? A social club? A cartography club? Maybe a book club? Whatever your interests, it’s so much easier to do it together than to do it alone.

And now you can be a part of the .club club for only half the normal price.

Instead of the usual $13.43 per year (at A rates), from June 1 through June 30, 2016, .club domains will be on sale for just $6.72 per year.

Join the .club?



It’s the time of year again. WSOP starts June 1 and poker players and fans of all stripes are headed to Las Vegas to participate.

Maybe some of you can make the pilgrimage and end up across the green felt (if you play in any bracelet events) from the likes of Ismael Bojang or Howard Lederer.

And who will be POY? Newcomer Dmitry Urbanovich? Or is it time for Stephen Chidwick?

We recommend wagering carefully. Don’t blow your bankroll your first night in town. And there’s no safer wager this year than a .poker domain name.

That’s why starting May 31, 2016 until the day of the Final 9 of the Main Event on July 18, 2016, .poker domains will be 80% off at Gandi.

Normally $28.61, for the duration of the WSOP, they’ll be just $5.72 per year. We’re not bluffing.

Whether you’re attending, playing, or watching from home, bet on a .poker domain for this year’s WSOP.

Care to play some .poker?



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