Our new platform is already available at www.gandi.net

Go to the new Gandi

Due to a price adjustment decided on by the registry, starting March 5, 2017 at 3:00 PM PST, prices on .biz domains will be increasing by $1.50 on all price grids (or €1.50, £1.30, or 50TWD).

That means that instead of $17.28 per year at A rates*, .biz domains will be $18.78 at A rates*.

That also means if you have a .biz domain, you should think about renewing now. Remember: you can renew for a maximum registration of up to 10 years, so if your domain expires this year, you could save up to $13.50.

*See .biz for local pricing.

It's a kind of magic that what art does when it takes something with apparently little to no value — a plain field of hay in the south of France, a portrait of Elvis, or — and articulates its hidden value for the world to see.

It's in that spirit that .art enters the gTLD marketplace.

Naturally .art should be available to artists, art institutions and organizations, first and foremost, and so before it's opened up to everyone, it will first go through a Preferred Access Period, which it is in now. During this period, a token must be obtained from the .art registry's website. The form to obtain a token is open to all, and the registry may verify your eligibility.

To register in the Preferred Access Period, once you have your token, launch your order in the Landrush phase from Gandi's website (or use the form below). Then, you will then need to provide the token to our customer care team so that we can use it to validate your order with the registry, who will then process the registrations on a first come, first served basis.

Domains in this Preferred Access or Landrush period will be available for $199.65.* You have until May 9, 2017 to register in this phase. Otherwise, .art opens up to everyone on May 17, 2017 when it enters the GoLive phase. Prices in this phase will be $17.44 at A rates.*

What will you use your .art to do?



*Prices in USD. See .art page for local pricing.

Ever notice the difference in quality and flavor between sustainably-grown, organic food and run-of-the-mill factory-farm dross? It's the extra crunch in organic lettuce (and the dirt still on the leaves), the supple freshness of an heirloom potato (and, again, its dirt).

If you don't know what we're talking about, then, well, this TLD isn't for you.

But if you do, we have great news. The new .organic TLD is now in the GoLive phase. That means it's available to everyone for $95.44 per year at A rates.*

Be healthy and buy .organic:



*Prices in USD. See .organic price page for local pricing.

The ecosystem and the internet have something in common: both are a shared resource, common to everyone. Which means that both are susceptible to exploitation by self-interested parties not acting in the best interest of everyone.

On the internet, we try to fight that pollution, just like in the ecosystem.

Today those two worlds come together with the introduction of the new .eco TLD.

One thing to note about .eco: this TLD is particularly aimed for those whose work is directly involved in ecology. Registrants do need to fill out a .eco profile with the registry after registering and while these will only be subject to random verifications, profiles are public and can be reported.

For now, .eco is in the Sunrise phase, which will last until April 2 at 8:59 AM PDT. Domains registered in this phase require a TMCH registration. However, you can still register now for any of the other two phases. Domains in the Sunrise phase will cost $349.98* .

The Landrush phase begins April 18 at 9:00 AM PDT and goes until April 25, 2017 at 8:59 AM PDT. In the Landrush phase, .eco domains are $199.83*. This phase is for those without a TMCH registration who are nonetheless willing to pay a premium to reserve a desirable domain.

And finally .eco will enter the GoLive phase on April 25 at 9:00 AM PDT. Domains purchased in the GoLive phase, the final release phase, will cost $95.44* per year at A rates.

Register a .eco?



*Prices in USD. See .eco page for local pricing.

On February 16, 2016, .cloud entered the GoLive phase, which makes this February 16, .cloud's first birthday. To celebrate, we whipped up this special offer: buy a new .cloud domain between February 1 and February 28 and get the chance to get a free limited-edition t-shirt.

T-shirt Gandi .CLOUD

Currently, .cloud domains are on sale for the low, low price of $9.00 per year*, so we're adding this limited-edition t-shirt deal as the light and fluffy icing on the proverbial cake.

The offer is limited to one t-shirt per person, regardless of the number of .cloud domains registered, and only the first 200 buyers can get one.

Eight days after buying your .cloud domain, you'll receive a coupon you can use to get your t-shirt for free (including shipping) from our shop. The coupon will also be available on the Promos page of your account.

If you are lucky enough to receive a coupon as one of the first 200 registrants, don't let this offer float away. Order your shirt now and get it just in time for spring.

Get a .cloud?



*prices in USD. See .cloud page for local pricing.

Once again, due to exchange rate fluctuations, it is our unfortunate duty to inform you of a rate increase on .net domains in Euros (EUR, €) and Pounds (GBP, £). All domain operations (creation, renewal, transfer) in all price grids will be increasing by €1.50 or £1.22 on 1 February 2017.

Here are those changes reflected in A rates for example:

Current / New price

Domain creation: €15.00 / €16.50 or £12.98 / £14.20
Renewal: €15.00 / €16.50 or £12.98 / £14.20
Transfer: €12.00 / €13.50 or £9.68 / £10.90

If you have a .net domain, we recommend renewing it before 1 February in order to get the current rate before it goes up.

Remember: .net domains don't have to be nearing expiration to be renewed.

Now's a good time to consider consolidating your portfolio if it contains .net domains outside of Gandi by transfering in or buying that .net domain you've always had your eye on.

Rates in US Dollars (USD, $) will however, not increase. They will remain the same.

It's always with great remorse that we make this type of announcement but effective 23 January 2017, in order to comply with our contractual obligations, we have increased registration and renewal prices on 76 TLDs, on all price grids.

The reason for the price increase largely has to do with the fact that we pay most new gTLDs in US Dollars and exchange rates have recently fluctuated such that we were compelled to increase rates on affected TLDs.

Generally, we don't adjust our prices based on minor exchange rate fluctuations, however the variations this time were too significant to be able to avoid adjusting our rates. So it's out of necessity that we are notifying you of the following new rates on the following TLDs:

Taxes are not included in the above prices, which unless otherwise indicated, apply both to renewals and creations.

Besides the TLDs listed above, the following TLDs are also impacted, though only in grids B through E:

.asia, .org, .ag, .tv, .tel, .ws, .mobi:

  • Grids B and C: +10% on transfers only
  • Grids D and E: +10% on all operations

One last TLD, .biz, is also impacted but only on Grid E. The prices for all operations have been increased by 10%.

Consider this your reminder to step away from your computer for a at least a few minutes today and do something spontaneous, unexpected, and purposeless.

Neuroscience tells us that we need a little novelty in our lives to keep our amygdalae pumping out dopamine. Otherwise, you might end up like the proverbial Jack after all work and no play.

All of that is to say: isn't it about time you had some .fun?

And now you don't even have to get up from your computer. You can order your .fun today. For instant gratification, you have to have a trademark registered with TMCH. If you do, you can have your .fun between today, January 23 at 4:00 pm UTC (8:00 AM PST) and April 2, 2017 when this TLD is in the the Sunrise phase. Domains in this phase are available for for $565.20 per year*.

If not, order some .fun for the Landrush phase, which will take place between April 2, 2017 and April 5, 2017. Domains bought in the Landrush phase are available for $164.80 per year*.

Finally, if you'd rather have .fun at regular prices, you can wait until April 5, when .fun enters the GoLive phase, though you can order in this phase now. Domains in the GoLive phase will be available for $28.87 at A rates*.

But to make things a bit more entertaining, .fun domains in the GoLive phase will be on sale from now and until June, 5. Meaning: you can pre-order your .fun now and have  get yours on promo for just $12.99 per year*.

Having .fun yet?


*Prices listed in USD. See .fun page for local pricing. 

There's nothing better thanˇ to start off the new year (or, really in the case of these TLDs, end last year) with a group of strings recently delegated to the root zone by ICANN which contain some expected outcomes and some surprises.

Recently-delegated TLDs

.hairDecember 2

While two .hair applications were received, ultimately ICANN allowed the delegation of .hair to L'Oréal despite objections by the GAC.


.hospitalDecember 9

The .hospital TLD sheds light on one of the more controversial categories of applied-for strings, namely, those pertaining to the medical field. Along with other medical-related strings, ICANN's appointed Independent Objector filed an objection for the .hospital string, especially given the potential for abuse.

For its part, the applicant, Donuts, maintained that .hospital is general enough that it has a legitimate commercial use outside of the realm of actual hospitals, and that no such confusion would occur.

While the American Hospital Association filed a community complaint (and it would be hard to object to the categorization of the AHA as a legitimate representative of the community covered), no such community organization stepped forward with enough capital to cover the application costs.

It should also be considered that the higher than average likelihood of denial of an application for such a string puts the risk of investing in such an application by a third-party. This would seem to almost guarantee that a large portfolio registry would be more likely to apply than a smaller registry and Donuts was indeed the sole applicant.


.dataDecember 20

It's also not surprising that multiple registries would apply for a string like .data, which you'd be hard-pressed to find a community with a clear claim over (much to our chagrin).

It's somewhat surprising that there were only three applicants, given the evident potential of a .data TLD: Top Level Domain Holdings Ltd., Donuts, and Dish DBS Corporation (i.e. Dish Network).

And despite a warning from the GAC, who worried about monopolization concerns, .data was delegated to Dish DBS.


.phone, .mobile December 20

Similarly, it's surprising that .phone and .mobile only received two applications each (Amazon dropped their .mobile application) one from Donuts, the other from Dish. In this case, just as with .data, the GAC objected to Dish's applications for the same reasons, however Dish was in the end delegated this TLD with the back end provided by Afilias for each.


.fun December 21

While .fun would have been a, well, fun generic TLD, Oriental Trading Company, who were ultimately awarded with the delegation of this string planned to use it as a brand TLD or a "closed TLD." As it turns out, though, the fun twist ending to the story is that Oriental Trading Company wound up auctioning off the rights to .fun to Radix Registry in October, just in time for it to be delegated last month.


Well, though it may not have been gripping, edge-of-your-seat drama, there were some twists and turns this month. Come back next month to see what surprises await ...

Remember, though, that while we try to gain accreditation for as many TLDs as possible, just because you see these on our list here doesn't mean we'll be able to offer any of these soon (though in some cases we can and will be).

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