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Usage statistics for CPU, disk (read/write) and network activity will be unavailable for several weeks for stability reasons.

Originally, our statistics tool was intended for IaaS servers. It was then adapted for use on instances, but the visualizations have not been entirely accurate. In fact, they weren't accurate at all. For this reason, usage statistics will no longer be available.

Over the last few months, our technical team has been working on a new system, which will replace the ones that have been present on PaaS/Simple Hosting and IaaS/VPS. These stats will be more detailed and precise in representing the real resource consumption on the instance. The new tool will also be considerably prettier, and we'll be able to build additional features on top of it.

The new statistics system will be released for PaaS instances in a few weeks. The IaaS version for VPS will follow shortly thereafter.

It's now possible to use GeoIP on Simple Hosting instances and on the Web Accelerator.

To do so, just obtain the 'X-Country-Code' from the HTTP header. The value returned will be a country code in the form 'EN', 'FR', 'US', 'GB', and so on, as defined by ISO 3166.

This functionality is useful for multilingual websites, because it allows you to adapt the language the site will be served in based on the country your visitor is located in.

The country code is determined based on a visitor's IP address. Bother IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported, and this feature is now available on all Gandi's datacenters.

For more information about using GeoIP on Gandi's Simple Hosting platform, see our support wiki.

As you probably know, RIPE, the organization in charge of delegating IP addresses in Europe, ended the distribution of new IPv4 blocks about a year ago.

The IPv6 protocol was developed in anticipation of this shortage, caused by an exponential increase in internet-connected internet-connected devices. Unfortunately, not all operators and manufacturers have followed recommended standards, and so not all the world's users will be ready for a full transition to IPv6 for several more years.

Due to this situation, the market value of IPv4 addresses is rising, and this is reflected in our prices.

But it's not your fault that certain providers haven't kept up with the rest of us, and so we don't think you should have to bear the consequences if you don't need to. This is why we are now allowing customers to run servers with no IPv4 addresses at all, which will lower your server costs by around 17%.

Anyone whose server doesn't require accessibility by everyone on the internet can benefit from this option (if you're just using a server for your own backup purposes, and your ISP supports IPv6, for example).

To create an IPv6-only sever, just deactivate the IPv4 option in the web form during the server creation. If you're using our hosting API, set the ip_version to 6 in the hosting.vm.create() method.

For more information on the technical aspects and advantages of our new boot procedure, check out our post at

Update: We're on HackerNews! Join the discussion.

For our IaaS customers, we've added a nice little feature that allows you to let others give you credit, or to buy credit for other users.

We implemented this feature with three use cases in mind:

  • Many of the open source projects hosted by us can ask for support in the form of credits to help run their Gandi server
  • Sites hosting communities (games, cultural associations, non-profits, etc.), and would like to ask their members for credits
  • Small entrepreneurs who run servers for their customers can now ask their customers to pay directly for their servers
The system works by simply telling Gandi where the credit resources you order should be sent. Or, you can use a link with a Gandi account handle on your site, like this:

Sending email from the installed sendmail server on Simple Hosting instances is possible, but restricted for your protection. No one wants to be blacklisted as a spammer, after all. If you need to send mass mailings like newsletters, for example, now there is now a solution. We have opened SMTPS (465) and the Submission port (587) on the platform, allowing you to use a third party email service provider.

For more information, see our documentation wiki

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