Discussion forums maintenance
A maintenance of our discussion forums platform groups.gandi.net is scheduled Thursday March 20 between 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM UTC.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
Nuestra nueva plataforma está disponible en www.gandi.net
A maintenance of our discussion forums platform groups.gandi.net is scheduled Thursday March 20 between 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM UTC.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
A maintenance on IAAS/PAAS storage units located in france and luxembourg is scheduled for :
18/03/2014 from 00.00AM CET to 02.00AM CET (from 2.00PM PDT)
The service will not be unavailable during the whole maintenance window. Service will be degraded for a few minutes during the maintenance window.
-OPs Team-
A maintenance on our GandiMail platform will be held on 2014-03-08 from 7:00 p.m. to 2014-03-09 7:00 a.m. UTC (8 March, 11am to 11pm PST).
Disturbances may occur during this maintenance, including intermittent access to mail.gandi.net in IMAP/POP3.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
UPDATE 2014-03-09 03:00 UTC (8 March 7pm PST): The maintenance is complete.
Statistic generation is unavailable for some IaaS VMs since 10:00 (CET).
We are working on it.
Please excuse us for any incovenience.
We are experiencing diffculties on webmail.gandi.net.
Our teams are currently working on it.
UPDATE: Situation is back to normal since 17h30 (CET)
We apologise for any incovenience.
Some Gandimail equipment has an incident. Consultation of mailbox on a subset of our equipement is slow.
Our team is working on fixing the issue.
Update 2014-02-16 09:34 (CET) : beginning of the incident
Update 2014-02-16 10:00 (CET) : our team resolve the technical problem.
A maintenance on our gandimail platform this will be held on 15/02/2014 from 7:00 p.m. to 0:00 UTC.
.Disturbances may occur during this maintenance (lack of access to mail.gandi.net in IMAP/POP3).
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience
Our platform is targeted by an ongoing DDOS. Our team is currently mitigating the attack.
13:12 (CET) : a quite large DDOS is impacting our network.
13:16 (CET) : a initial mitigation is activated by our network team.
A subset of PaaS instances (behing gpaas15.dc2.gandi.net) is still unreachable.
13:34 (CET) : we are shutting down some peers.
13:38 (CET) : situation is now more stable. PaaS instances on gpaas15.dc2.gandi.net are nevertheless still unreachable.
14:07 (CET) : PaaS instances are now reachable.
14:45 (CET) : we have enable our peering back. The situation is now back to normal.
An emergency maintenance on a storage unit located in luxembourg is scheduled for tonight : 11/02/2014 from 00h00 until 02h00 CET.
Service will be degraded for a short time in the maintenance window.
[UPDATE] maintenance complete
An emergency maintenance on the GandiMail platform is scheduled tonight : 10/02/2014 from 00h00 until 02h00 CET.
Service might be available for a part of our gandimail users during the maintenance window.
Thank your for your comprehension.
[UPDATE] maintenance complete
En #gandiV5, hemos modificado el Gandi Mail para que se adapte a todas vuestras necesidades.
Este mayo la venta de los nombres de dominio .PRESS, en oferta por tán solo 5,00€, contribuirá a la protección de los periodistas.
Dos nuevas extensiones que pasan en apertura general
El martes 25 de abril 2017 los dominios .ECO pasan a la fase de apertura general.
Los dominios .COLLEGE y .RENT salen por sólo 9€ por la compra por un año, hasta el 30 de junio.
El .BABY sale de cuentas y llega en apertura general.
El .AFRICA entra en la fase Sunrise el 4 de abril, descubre sus precios y el calendario de lanzamiento.
... y del .FISHING, del .YOGA y también del .WORK. Todas estas extensiones están de oferta durante el mes de abril.
Los dominios .NEWS, .LIVE, .SOCIAL, .STUDIO, .REVIEWS y .ROCKS están de oferta hasta el 30 de junio.